您在æ¤é¡µé¢å·²åœç•™ %s å°æ—¶ï¼Œå¯èƒ½éœ€è¦åˆ·æ–°é¡µé¢åŽæ‰èƒ½æ£å¸¸ä½¿ç”¨å„功能。
'.replace('%s', $('meta[name=csrfExpiration]').attr('content')));
// 目的:
// Content box tabs:
$('.content-box .content-box-content div.tab-content').hide(); // Hide the content divs
$('ul.content-box-tabs li a.default-tab').addClass('current'); // Add the class "current" to the default tab
$('.content-box-content div.default-tab').show(); // Show the div with class "default-tab"
$('.content-box ul.content-box-tabs li a').click( // When a tab is clicked...
function() {
$(this).parent().siblings().find("a").removeClass('current'); // Remove "current" class from all tabs
$(this).addClass('current'); // Add class "current" to clicked tab
var currentTab = $(this).attr('href'); // Set variable "currentTab" to the value of href of clicked tab
$(currentTab).siblings().hide(); // Hide all content divs
$(currentTab).show(); // Show the content div with the id equal to the id of clicked tab
return false;